Friday, January 27, 2012

Kit Build #2 - Reborns Gundam - Part 5 The-Half-Way-There Post

Just look at these babies! All that trouble I went through was worth it. I really didn't like the idea of being forced to leave the soles of the feet parts in a singular color and my crappy paint skills would show even more. At least the technique I used (as detailed in the previous post) worked just as I hoped. Of course, being forced to let the paint harden for two weeks prevented me from accidentally ruining it while removing the masking solution.

The only hitch post-unmasking was the deep empty spaces near the edges of the front feet parts. While this type of moulding lets Bandai reduce the number of pieces needed for to form the feet, it also presents a problem for spray painting. I painted these grooves using a tiny, slim paint brush and extracted Gundam Marker Pen inks in red and blue. The red half was painted without a snag but the blue marker ink was lighter than Tamiya's Blue spray paint. Luckily the side grooves were too narrow to make the paint's different shade noticeable but the front can be seen clearly. The solution was to mask everything but the top groove and spray on a layer on Tamiya Blue to match the colors.

Now here are the limbs in their Painted(delicate) glory.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kit Build #2 - Reborns Gundam - Part 4 Delay Edition

A 4-piece DELAY

The 4 feet parts shown here have been the cause of some very long delays compounded by my lack of vacation days. The main problem I had with these parts was managing how the dark paint can be applied to the inner depressions of the feet while applying the main red/blue colors to the rest. These pieces are very different from the feet of my previous build Extreme Gundam making it difficult to use the simpler way of masking the edges of the depression.

The following photos will show the method I decided to use instead.

 Spray Dark Blue onto the soles and let dry

Carefully sand away the outer parts leaving depression with paint

Apply decent amount of masking solution to the parts that need covering

Apply surfacer then spray pieces in respective colors.

Since this gave me quite a headache, I'll leave it alone to harden for two weeks then peel off the masking solution. Hopefully the paint will be cured by then. Once these pieces are finished both legs could finally be completed.