Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kit Build #1 Extreme Gundam - part 4-1

Masking Hell

Lazy man's masking.

Painstakingly cut tiny strips to surround the areas I intend to paint and once done, I generously apply cheap-o masking tape to the rest of the piece. Then I brush on some liquid masking sol to cover any tiny spots I might have missed.

Will be applying the surfacer tomorrow morning.

Upper Leg

Applied enamel wash on those tiny little pieces that cover the hole opposite the opening for the groin ball-joint. Waiting for the lower leg to be spray painted.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Kit Build #1 Extreme Gundam - part 3


 Painted the collar gray, even though with the head on it won't be too visible. Applied panel lines using a gray marker pen. The gray color doesn't completely conceal the original color, giving the parts a "dirty" appearance.

Also made a slight mod with the backpack. This mod allows me to attach the shield/guitar case on its back for some future posing.


 Again here is another piece similar to the arms, its all white. Applied some panel lining but to give it some more variance, I decided to apply a bit of blue paint to the front skirt armor.