Scratched out a groove in the middle using the chopstick+needle tool I mentioned in the previous post to make "half and half" coloring easier. The needle tool was only for making a guide line for my Tamiya Scriber tool to follow.
Painted the first half red.
The other half blue.
Peeled and side by side.
The final piece for the lower torso is painted white to serve as a divider between the red and blue halves. This and other "centered" pieces will be painted white.
Front half.
Rear half.
Side by side.
Top view.
Lower torso attached.
Red and Blue, side by side. Almost done, but not quite. I'm absolutely certain the two heads will be a pain in some manner I haven't imagined, but I'm already dreading masking the upper torso. The side skirt armors won't be needed since I have something else in mind to use instead.
Almost done, almost done.