Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kit Build #1 Extreme Gundam - part 5-1

A small update after a little break.

2nd Face

It took a few hours for me to figure out and plan how to saw apart the 2nd V-fin behind Extreme Gundam's head, but it only took me less than two hours to align it and put it back together with cement. This was supposed to be the only mod I was planning for this kit. Opening the rear face of this kit was part of the reason why I bought it, aside from its future potential of having armor upgrades.

Next up is figuring out how to mask the tiny, tiny eyes for painting.

Clear no More

Changed my mind about keeping the clear blue parts after seeing how the Candy Lime Green paint looked on the beam saber (photo-to-come). I'm still sticking with blue for the clear parts though. I'd hate to try and upset the color scheme by painting them green.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Kit Build #1 Extreme Gundam - part 4-2


Taking the time to mask and paint the legs was really worth the time it took. I used black enamel to do the panel lines on the white pieces and an ordinary black Gundam Marker pen to line the blue pieces. I thought about painting the ankle armor a different color but doing so would offset the color arrangement of the kit, so I decided against it.


Quite satisfied with how its coming together. It was a good thing I decided to paint those excessively plain white parts. Looks more of a Gundam than a cheap gimmick kit released to take advantage of a game popularity.

Final Piece: The Head.

Life Laid a Roadblock

Just got back from **** after having my leave cancelled twice.

Crazy @ssholes.

I'll get right back to posting my progress with my 1st Project in a few hours.